Telos $TLOS EVM Telos EVM


Say Hello to Telos!

Say Hello to Telos!

Hi, Hubber! The Social Mining Galaxy keeps expanding and you have arrived at a whole new system that involves NFTs and on-line gaming: Telos Hub.

Telos is a Layer-1, DPoS (delegated proof of stake) consensus mechanism, blockchain active since December 2018. Telos Network is known for its impeccable five-year record of zero downtime. Home to the tEVM, (a high-speed Ethereum Virtual Machine) launched in 2021, Telos has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to advancing blockchain technology. Now evolving into a Layer 0 network, Telos prioritizes scalability, security, and decentralization, supporting over 15,200 transactions per second with minimal fees. The growing Telos ecosystem includes over 1.2 million accounts, hundreds of partners, and numerous dApps.

Telos wants to be  a leader of scalability and interoperability in Web3 with tEVM and Telos Zero, and it is the newest member of our Social Mining ecosystem. Why not tell to your X-audience? 

Let’s make a great and say @HelloTelos!


How will you proceed?

  1. It is capital that you head to the main resources to get the most accurate information about Telos. Here are the main ones for you to check:


  1. Create your X-Post to let everyone know what Telos is, what it brings to blockchain and how the interested community can join the Hub. Use layperson's terms so that more people can understand.
  1. As someone who wants to attract more readers to your account, you must think of an engaging Thread. You can create visual content to help your audience. When creating content (e.g. articles, videos, NFTs) about this marketplace, you are free to use the logos provided on the Telos visual assets so usage can not be mistaken for a direct affiliation.
  2. You will use at least two of the following hashtags and mentions in your Thread:
    • @HelloTelos
    • #EVM
    • #Telos 
    • #TelosHub 
    • $TLOS
  3. Publish your X-Post and submit the link via this task description's "Submit" button.



  • We will reward every valid Thread with 100 Points.
  • A pure text-based Thread can earn up to 500 Points + 0.05 REP, depending on engagement.
  • A Thread with outstanding quality visual content can earn up to 1000 Points + 0.1 REP
  • The X-Program will reward your Thread according to its engagement.



  • You can only submit one Post.
  • Your content must be original, accurate, and informative.
  • Use only visual material collected from the official sources (see above)
  • Your content must be professional yet friendly to the masses. 
  • Please note that your reward will vary depending on your work's originality, quality, and engagement.
Published on: 09/01/2024Due date on: 10/02/2024


Due date


Points rewards


Reputation rewards


Total Submissions

218 / ∞

Required Influence


Required Reputation


Votes enabled
